The Grievance Policy of MTC OF NY INC. serves as a dedicated channel for stakeholders, employees, or any party directly or indirectly impacted by MTC OF NY INC., to voice concerns pertaining to the company, aiming to resolve disputes and ensure equitable outcomes.
This policy, along with its procedures, offers a means for individuals to effectively address their grievances. Operating independently of legal proceedings, it prioritizes providing remedies and resolutions to those affected by MTC OF NY INC.’s operations. By promptly addressing conflicts, this mechanism upholds the reputation of MTC OF NY INC. and underscores our dedication to accountability and transparency.
Francesco Chirco oversees the implementation and review of this procedure, ensuring its alignment with our company’s values and objectives.
Parties with concerns are encouraged to communicate via email to:
Parties can also submit complaints anonymously via:
Employees are further encouraged to submit physical complaints via the grievance submission box located in the facility’s locker room.
Upon receiving a complaint, we will: